
Am I a Good Candidate for Dermal Fillers in Delray Beach?

Dermal Fillers in Delray Beach by Dash Medical Spa

Have you started to notice fine lines and wrinkles? Noticing that your lips aren’t as plump as they once were? It may be time to consider getting dermal fillers in Delray Beach. They can help you look and feel like you’re 17 again! 

What Are Dermal Fillers Exactly?

Dermal fillers are a revolutionary way to help ease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and many use a synthetic version of hyaluronic acid, or HA, which is naturally produced by the body.  HA helps keep the skin hydrated and voluminous, and as we age, we produce less and less of it.

Our dermal fillers are FDA-approved and are extremely safe and effective. Depending on what area you want to be treated, there are different types of fillers including Juveéderm, Restylane, Versa, and Sculptra. 

Are Fillers for Everyone? Am I a Good Candidate for Dermal Fillers in Delray Beach?

Dermal fillers are great for nearly everyone over the age of 21 who wishes to rewind the clock on the aging process. They work best for people who have a specific area that they want treated such as smile lines, crow’s feet, or thinning lips. And, they can also help improve the appearance of recessed scars. These are not the only areas treated by dermal fillers, so if you have another area you want treated, don’t be discouraged. You should talk to a cosmetic injection specialist to see if fillers are right for you.

What’s the Catch?

With dermal fillers, there is no catch. They are safe injections that can go almost anywhere on the face. They are specially formulated to match the HA that is naturally produced by the body, and the amount of HA you’re trying to replace. Even if you’re only trying to touch up a small area of the face, dermal fillers are a great option. We use the Russian lip technique to plump the lips and create both height and volume.

Are You Ready to Look Your Absolute Best With Dermal Fillers in Delray Beach?

Tired of looking tired? Fillers can help fix that! They are highly effective for treating any areas of sagging skin, wrinkles, or general loss of volume in the face. Contact us today at 561-409-5959 to schedule a consultation to decide which dermal fillers in Delray Beach are right for you.

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